James Loewen in 'Smarter, Not Harder' unpacks the KISS theory for couples aiming for financial success. Learn the power of simplifying finances with one captain, one bank account, and one credit card. Discover how automation and set spending limits can drive your joint financial growth.
James Loewen:
Hey, guys. Welcome back to the short shorts edition of Smarter, Not Harder. I'm James Loewen, and today, we're going to be talking about financial success in your relationship, the top strategies and ways to succeed together.
Now, just like there's no "I" in "team," there is, however, in "KISS." We're going to be teaching you today, the Keep It Simple Stupid process and how you can kiss away those financial woes in your relationship financial success. I'm James Loewen. Let's get going. Go Jays. This is Smarter, Not Harder.
All right, guys. I'm James Loewen, and I'm going to get throwing the KISS theory at you. It stands for Keep it Simple, Stupid. Quite honestly, it needs to be easier and simpler to be most effective. And what we're going to do on this is talk about captains. Just like our boys, they've got one captain. And what that captain's going to be is a single person that's going to be responsible for maintaining and managing all of the financial executions you're going to do.
And what we're talking about is one. I want one bank account. That's the most easiest way to succeed. All financial funds and pays go in, all bills go out of that same one account. The way to make sure that there's just no erroneous charges and that everything is accurate instead of having to track all different accounts.
One credit card. One credit card to pay all bills and put it on there for your points, so you can, of course, travel and enjoy some more kissing, but making sure that you have all expenditures on that one card. The next one is going to be the limit as to which you can spend before you need to have a conversation and decide if that's an acceptable purchase. That limit might be $500, might be $1000, but where can we spend independently before we need to have a conversation together as a partnership?
And the last one: automated, guys. Everything you can possibly do so all pay is going in, all bills you have to make, going out, automate that. And have a conversation. Who's going to be the captain? Who has more financial literacy? Who enjoys paying bills and structures? Or maybe you take turns. One year, you rotate back and forth. Or each quarter, whatever works for you. But having that structure and communication, make sure that you as a team are going to be going forward together.
I'm James Loewen. Now you're financially growing as you kiss your woes away and succeed as a partnership. Hey guys, hopefully you've liked the KISS theory. And please, you can kiss and tell. Share, comment, and of course let me know any future videos you'd like to hear and have me go over. Join us next time when we're going to be discussing should I buy, or should I sell first? We're going to talk about which one of the chairs you want to see your butt in. I'm James Loewen. Let's get going. You're working smarter, not harder.