Earn 10% or More: James Loewen's Guide to Private Lending for High Returns. Discover how private lending can help borrowers in need while providing lucrative opportunities for investors. Learn how to be a private lender and grow your money smarter, not harder. Explore the benefits of private lending with Smarter, Not Harder.
Hey, guys. Welcome back. So I've had a few of you reach out. We have spoken about the rule 70, but how your money can double every seven years if you're getting 10%, and a lot of you have said to me, "James, how in the heck do I get 10%?" Well, the answer, it lies in, let's talk about my privates. No, not those ones. Let's talk about private lending. Let's talk about why people might need private lending and how you can actually be the lender earning 10% or more. I'm James Loewen. Let's get your privates growing. This is Smarter, Not Harder.
Okay, so let's get started. What is private lending and why would someone want to borrow money from a private lender? Generally, a private lending is an interim solution for clients that don't meet either income or credit boxes of a bank to be able to maintain and stay in their house. If someone doesn't qualify, whether they're injured or ill or have job loss, for them to sell their house while they might be going through hardship, lose $50,000 or $100,000 through the sales process, have to rent, and then spend all that money like land transfer taxes and moving costs to buy another house that might not be optimal. The solution then lies off in private lending where we lend outside of the bank's guidelines for a higher rate for the interim for them to obtain new employment, to get better or train further, to get that new job. At that period, maybe six or eight months later, we then refinance them and put them back with a bank.
So the private lending or solution providers outside of the bank's guidelines for an interim position until there's an exit. Now, what does that mean for you? How can you be part of this and benefit also to receive those types of returns? Now, we do have a pool of private lenders available out there, things called mixer mortgage investment companies. But instead of just going to them and having them make money, we bring these deals and opportunities to our existing clients. What does that mean? We will review as we have these requests and needs for private funds with you as a lender or an investor. We'll review credit, income, equity in the home, risks associated, and more importantly, the exit strategy to get out. That means that you have a mortgage registered on title, just like any other mortgage with a bank, that checks are then made payable to yourself you'll deposit them each month.
On the exit in six months, once the home is refinanced and the money's repaid, you then get your funds back at the 10 plus return. Now, biggest question is, can everyone do this? No. Long and short, simple answer, hard. No, it's not available or appropriate for everyone, but if you'd like to find out if it's appropriate for you, reach out. So just like you might have done a KYC or Know Your Client with your financial advisor, we will do a KYL or Know Your Lender ensuring it's appropriate for you because we want of course to be suiting both our clients' best needs and our investor lenders. So reach out. It's a pretty quick call for us to review and ascertain whether you could be participating and getting and receiving these types of returns too. I'm James Loewen. Now your money's growing, this is Smarter, Not Harder.